National Assembly for Wales
Children, Young People and Education Committee

CAM 32

Inquiry into Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Evidence from : General Practitioner



The Committee is interested in hearing about

The availability of early intervention services for children and adolescents with mental health problems




As a GP in one of the welsh valleys, I find it extremely difficult to access psychological services for children who have a definite need for the service.  Referrals are often returned, barriers are put up and often superficial advice by letter after a referral is made.

Unfortunately, I see many despairing families, who clearly have difficulties, who do not have the support that they deserve.  I appreciate that the demand is potentially huge but this is such an important service and one that can shape a young persons attitude and personality for a life time.  So much is lost, in relation to when the brain develops, if young children are not given the validating input that they need.  It continues to be one of the significant reasons why so much mental and psychological morbidity continues in the welsh valleys.  It is an area that has ongoing mental health problems and deserves a wide ranging and comprehensive service- but unfortunately only lip service is paid to the problem.


Access to community specialist CAMHS at tier 2 and above for children and adolescents with mental health problems, including access to psychological therapies




Too sparse.



The extent to which CAMHS are embedded within broader health and social care services




I do not see this.



Whether CAMHS is given sufficient priority within broader mental health and social care services, including the allocation of resources to CAMHS







Whether there is significant regional variation in access to CAMHS across Wales




The service in under resourced in Gwent.



The effectiveness of the arrangements for children and young people with mental health problems who need emergency services





The extent to which the current provision of CAMHS is promoting safeguarding, children’s rights, and the engagement of children and young people





Any other key issues identified by stakeholders




I’m afraid that I only received this the day before the dead line and was unable to make the full response that I feel would have been important to make.  I think it is only right that WAG looks at the provision of psychological services in Wales, not only in relation to CAMHS but also to adult services, as I feel that the present provision is woeful and does not attempt to deal with the huge problem of mental and psychological illness in society.  This should provide an opportunity for Wales to grasp the importance of dealing with this problem so that society in Wales can begin to move forward and attempt to end the ongoing cycle of deprivation and mental illness continues to happen.
